Z današnjo objavo se poslavljam kot članica The Scrapping Cottage tima. Po štirih letih in pol sem se odločila, da si vzamem nekaj pavze od ustvarjanja, saj me v naslednjih tednih čaka nova vloga, zaradi katere bo časa za ustvarjanje še manj kot do sedaj.
Pri ustvarjanju s Cottage Cutz šablonami sem res uživala in te šablone bodo vedno ene od mojih najljubših. In upam, da mi med menjanjem pleničk in vsemi hranjenji ostane še kaj časa, da morda tu pa tam naredim še kakšno voščilnico.Vsekakor ustvarjanja ne bom opustila, samo začasno ga bom dala na pavzo :)
Zdaj vam pa pokažem še zadnjo vošilnico, ki je nastala za The Scrapping Cottage blog. Več o postopku izdelave pa najdete na povezavi.
Before I show you my latest card I have an announcement to make. After four and a half years as a Cottage Cutz Design Team member I decided to take some time away from crafting. There's a new exacting role waiting for me in the next weeks and I'll have a lot less time for crafting.
It was so much fun making all the cards and paper projects using Cottage Cutz dies. Thank you to The Scrapping Cottage team for giving me this opportunity. This dies are forever going to be my favorite dies to work with. And I hope that in between diaper changes and all the feedings I'll still be able to follow all the new releases and projects from the talented ladies on the team. And maybe also make a card or two :)
now to my last card. I again combined a set of stamps and slimline
dies. This time I made a bunch of furry friends with a scenic
background. More on The Scrapping Cottage blog.
I wish you all a nice Sunday.
Anja Ž.
Cottage Cutz štampiljke in šablone, ki sem jih uporabila: