nedelja, 2. december 2018

Prižgimo svečko / Light the Candle

December je tu. Ne morem verjeti, kako je letošnje leto hitro (skoraj) minilo.

Ker danes prižigamo prvo svečko v adventnem koledarju, sem svečko uporabila tudi za glavni motiv današnje voščilnice. Več o izdelavi pa najdete na The Scrapping Cottage blogu.

December is here. All the lights are out and slowly Christmas spirit is starting to feel.
Can't believe how fast this year ran by.
As we light the first candle in our Advent wreath, I wanted to use the candle as my main motive today. And this is what I came up with. More on The Scrapping Cottage blog.

Anja Ž.

Cottage Cutz, ki jih sem jih uporabila:

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